Hi there!
I'm your cool new webpage. Made with Glitch!
This is one heading
back to topUnderneath this heading, there is more text. The only point of this text is to distinguish this section from the next section. Visually. There has to be some separation between them. If it weren't for that, then the transitions wouldn't look like anything. Here's a list
- wow
- making
- list
- items
- is
- somewhat
- tiring
I think I need a link to take you to the other heading.
This is the second heading
back to topI think you'll find this one is the same as before. Don't fret too much. Underneath this heading, there is more text. The only point of this text is to distinguish this section from the next section. Visually. There has to be some separation between them. If it weren't for that, then the transitions wouldn't look like anything. Here's a list.
- wow
- making
- list
- items
- is
- somewhat
- tiring
I think I need a link to take you to the other heading.